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#CLI commands

The Hardhat Ignition CLI provides a set of commands to interact with the deployment process. The following is a list of available commands:

  • deploy: Deploy a module to the specified network
  • deployments: List all deployment IDs
  • status: Show the current status of a deployment
  • transactions: Show all transactions for a given deployment
  • verify: Verify contracts from a deployment against the configured block explorers
  • visualize: Visualize a module as an HTML report
  • wipe: Reset a deployment's future to allow rerunning

# deploy

Deploy a module to the specified network

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition deploy [--default-sender <STRING>] [--deployment-id <STRING>] [--parameters <STRING>] [--reset] [--strategy <STRING>] [--verify] [--write-localhost-deployment] modulePath


  --default-sender            	Set the default sender for the deployment
  --deployment-id             	Set the id of the deployment
  --parameters                	A relative path to a JSON file to use for the module parameters
  --reset                     	Wipes the existing deployment state before deploying
  --strategy                  	Set the deployment strategy to use (default: "basic")
  --verify                    	Verify the deployment on Etherscan
  --write-localhost-deployment	Write deployment information to disk when deploying to the in-memory network


  modulePath	The path to the module file to deploy

# deployments

List all deployment IDs

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition deployments

# status

Show the current status of a deployment

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition status deploymentId


  deploymentId	The id of the deployment to show

# transactions

Show all transactions for a given deployment

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition transactions deploymentId


  deploymentId	The id of the deployment to show transactions for

# verify

Verify contracts from a deployment against the configured block explorers

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition verify [--include-unrelated-contracts] deploymentId


  --include-unrelated-contracts	Include all compiled contracts in the verification


  deploymentId	The id of the deployment to verify

# visualize

Visualize a module as an HTML report

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition visualize [--no-open] modulePath


  --no-open	Disables opening report in browser


  modulePath	The path to the module file to visualize

# wipe

Reset a deployment's future to allow rerunning

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] ignition wipe deploymentId futureId


  deploymentId	The id of the deployment with the future to wipe
  futureId    	The id of the future to wipe

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